You can find the cost of shipping, as well as the seller’s shipping options—including any express shipping services or combined shipping discounts—and whether tracking is available, on the listing. Select the Shipping and payments tab on the product page to view the details about the Shipping Rates for the item.
Once you’ve bought an item, the seller can’t increase shipping rates without asking your permission to do so. If the seller makes a change that you don’t agree with, and you can’t resolve the issue directly with them, contact us and we’ll step in to help.
You can find an estimated delivery date on any spandooly item that offers shipping. The estimate will usually cover a range of days, but it can get more precise after you confirm your delivery address during checkout.
After completing your purchase, you’ll see an updated estimate in your purchased items along with any tracking information uploaded by your seller.
If you bought as a guest, your estimated delivery date will be in your order confirmation email.
Estimated delivery dates are based on:
Whether an item can be delivered during the weekend depends on the shipping options provided by the seller. An item’s estimated delivery date is based on working days, so weekends and public holidays aren’t included in that calculation.
If the seller doesn’t offer weekend delivery, you can contact them to ask if it’s possible. If the seller agrees to your request, you may have to pay additional shipping fees.