
Ihre Beobachtungsliste

So verwenden Sie Ihre Beobachtungsliste

  • Add an item: Select Add to Watchlist beneath the buying options on the listing
  • View your Watchlist: Go to My spandooly and select Watching
  • Remove an item: Simply tick the box beside each item and select Delete. You can select and delete multiple items at once
  • Filter your listings: Use the Sort dropdown to sort listings by most relevant, time left, price, seller ID, or date added
  • Organize your Watchlist: By default, you’re automatically shown all active and ended listings together. You can filter your results to view active or ended listings separately by selecting the dropdown menu beside Status


You’ll receive notifications about items on your Watchlist by default. For example, you’ll receive an alert if a listing you’re watching is ending soon. You can change how often you receive notifications or turn off your Watchlist email alerts by following these steps:

  1. Go to Communication preferences in My spandooly.
  2. Scroll down to the Buyer section and select Show next to Buying Activity.
  3. Select the dropdown menu beside Watch alert and choose whether to receive real-time alerts or a daily, weekly, or monthly summary. To stop receiving Watchlist email alerts, select None.
  4. Select Save.

If you choose to stop receiving email alerts about items you’re watching, you’ll still see notifications about your Watchlist in My spandooly.

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