
Ändern Sie Ihre Versanddaten nach dem Kauf

Ändern Sie Ihre Lieferadresse, nachdem Sie bezahlt haben

Sellers generally can’t change the shipping address that you provided at checkout. If they haven’t yet sent the item, the best thing to do is to ask the seller to cancel the transaction, then buy the item again with the correct shipping address.

If the order has not already been shipped, you’ll need to contact the seller and ask them to cancel it for you. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Purchased Items, and find the order you want to cancel.
  2. Select Contact seller.
  3. Choose Request to cancel this order, and then Contact the seller.
  4. Explain to the seller why you need to cancel, and select Send.

If the seller has already shipped your order, or if they don’t accept the cancellation, the package will be sent to the address you originally selected.

Ändern Sie die Versandart, nachdem Sie bezahlt haben

If the seller hasn’t yet sent your package, you can ask them if it’s possible to change the shipping method. If they agree, you may need to send extra payment for an express or tracked option.

If the seller isn’t willing to change the shipping method, you can ask them to cancel the order and buy the item again with the correct shipping method.

Ändern Sie Ihre Versanddaten an der Kasse

When you’re buying an item, you’ll confirm the shipping method and address at checkout. Make sure you check these details carefully before completing your purchase.

We’ll automatically enter your primary shipping address in the Ship to field. If it’s incorrect, or if you want the item sent to a different address, select Change. You can then edit the address, select a different address, or add a new address.

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