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Changing the address on your Spandooly account

Changing your shipping address at checkout

Before you complete your purchase, always check your address details. If you need to change your shipping address at checkout, select Change in the Ship to section. You can then choose from any of the addresses saved to your account or add a new address.

To add a new address:

  1. Select Add a new address.
  2. Enter your new address.
  3. If you’d like to make this address your primary delivery address, select Save as primary address.
  4. Select Add.

To update an existing address:

  1. Select Edit next to the address.
  2. Update your details.
  3. Select Save at the bottom of the page.

Whenever you enter a new address at checkout, we’ll save it so you won’t have to enter those details again in the future.

Updating your shipping address in My Spandooly

You can also review, add, or update your addresses at any time in My spandooly:

  1. Go to Addresses.
  2. Select Edit next to Shipping address.
  3. Select Edit next to the address you’d like to change.
  4. Update your address and select Save.
  • To delete an address, select Delete
  • To make an address your primary shipping address, select Make primary
  • To add an address, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Add another address

Changing your shipping address after you've paid

If the shipping address you provided during checkout is incorrect, you won’t be able to change it. Instead, you should let the seller know as soon as possible by selecting Contact the seller on the order’s delivery information page.

You can find more information in our article about changing your shipping details after a purchase.

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