
Gespeicherte Suche

So speichern Sie Suchanfragen

After you search for an item, select Save this search at the top of the search results page.

To view the listings in the searches you saved:

  1. Go to Saved searches.
  2. Choose View items.

So bearbeiten oder löschen Sie Ihre gespeicherten Suchanfragen

You can update your saved searches by adding or removing filters, such as price, color, or type of listing. To edit your saved searches:

  1. Go to Saved searches.
  2. Find the search you'd like to edit, then select Edit search.
  3. Select the filters you’d like to change, then choose Save this search.

To delete a saved search:

  1. Go to Saved searches.
  2. Hover over the search you'd like to delete and select Delete.
  3. Select Confirm.

Abbestellen von gespeicherten Such-E-Mails

By default you’ll receive email alerts to your registered email address whenever new items match your search or if there are updates to your saved search. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.

  1. Go to Saved searches.
  2. Hover over the search you’d like to stop receiving emails about.
  3. Select Unsubscribe email.

If you change your mind, you can select Subscribe email to receive emails about this saved search again.

Haben Sie nicht die Antworten erhalten, nach denen Sie gesucht haben?