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As an Spandooly Seller, we ask you to indicate whether and under what conditions you accept the return of items. For example, you can specify who pays the return shipping costs or that you accept returns within a certain period of time after a sale. Your offers must clearly state whether you will accept returns and which return conditions apply.
If you include returns in your return policy, or if you are a commercial seller, you can set up rules to automate the various parts of the return process. For example, you can create rules for:
Certain returns are automatically accepted while others are still processed manually.
If the return shipping cost is higher than the value of the item, the buyer will be automatically refunded and allowed to keep the item.
There are different return addresses, depending on the item.
The automatic processing of some of the returns not only saves time. It also helps increase customer satisfaction because buyer's return requests are answered promptly.
To set up return rules:
Changes to your return rules will automatically be applied to all future return requests. They do not apply to return requests that have already been received.